Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Look Ahead

Monday, after I get home from class, I plan to make Eggs Florentine. However, I am making an alteration in the recipe because I am allergic to tree nuts and don't want to risk it with the pine nuts the recipe calls for. My mom, fiancé's mom and I seem to think using sunflower seeds as a substitute will work well for this specific recipe. We'll see how that goes.
(If anyone reading has a better idea, please share!)

Tuesday, after class and the date Ben is taking me on, I'll be making crépes. (I've been kindly informed I've been pronouncing it incorrectly all my life. Most Americans pronounce it "cray-ps" but I've been told it is actually pronounced "Cree-ps." Thanks, Kels haha) I think I'm going to get strawberries to mash and have with them. I'm looking forward to both of these additions! 

With school and work hovering over me, my responsible side is forcing me to make sure I get all my homework done, too. So this first half of the year may seem slow. I plan to pick up the pace in the summer when I'll have fewer classes. (I always take classes during at least one summer session.) Hopefully I won't be terribly far behind though!



  1. Hey, Mrc...are you going through the book in order or can you make a complete meal using the book? (for instance, an appetizer, salad, main course, vegetables, dessert....?) I thought perhaps that would help you make CERTAIN that you could get through the whole book this year!!
    Hugs!! Mom

  2. Lol Hey, mom! :)

    I'm going through one-by-one. :) I'll be behind until summer comes around. I'm thinking Tuesdays will be a relatively "certain" day that I'll be able to get at least one a week. Some of them won't take as long though. They range from 15 min prep/prepare to a couple hours. Some of them are beside very similar recipes, too. For instance, at the end of this first chapter (eggs and dairy), there are two different recipes for homemade ice cream. I'll just do those at the same time, most likely.

