Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Every cook needs to know her kitchen. This became so true tonight. In the recipe, it said I needed to heat the stove top to "medium." I did. This apparently was not hot enough. My crépes didn't brown! (Eventually, I got them to... but at this point, they were past delicious.)

Now I know. Our "medium" heat, is not as "medium" as the book calls for. Logged away. Lesson learned. 

Although (again) the origin of crépes is unknown, we do know they came from the western part of France, specifically Brittany. 

Even though these crépes didn't turn out just absolutely delicious, it was a good learning experience. I'll know what to do differently next time. Hopefully they'll turn out perfect and paper thin. 

As for now, I'll gorge myself on the delicious strawberry purée I made for the occasion! 

338 days and 118 recipes to go!


  1. Your picture made the crepes look delicious! No matter how long you have been cooking, it is still trial and error sometimes. I am sure the next time you make them, they will be perfect!

  2. Looks yummy to me. I really have to get my house together so I can try something different. I may just have to start my own year of cooking... well... maybe after tax season.
